munich creative business week

We're happy to announce that some of our products (Durian and Chick 'n' Egg Chair) will be exhibited from 21.02. - 24.02 during the mcbw- munich creative business week - moments.

The setup is organised by Editors's Collection, our local reseller, and joined by two Munich based design offices: Formagenda and uocu.
You'll find the exhibition in the reception area of the old congress hall at Theresienhöhe.

The Thought Exchange by Parker Hannifin

A number of Chick'n'Egg Chairs were exhibited at an event on 22nd & 23rd January 2013.
The exhibition, "The Thought Exchange by Parker Hannifin"was designed and photographed by Clarity Creative, UK.

the lady in red

Thanks to Pix Fotostudio Tübingen we have some new pictures of the Floater. High Resolution, High Gloss and in RED.