Phototropia is part of an ongoing series on the application of smart materials in an architectural context and was realized in April 2012 by the Master of Advanced Studies class at the Chair for CAAD, supervised by Manuel Kretzer.
First and second day of installing the exhibition architecture (responsive design studio / STUDYO ARCHITECTS) which will guide visitors through the exhibition "architectural particles - modular construction in the digital age" (curatorship by Aysin Ipekci ). The exhibiton will open on upcoming Friday May 11th at 7pm at the MAKK, Cologne, Germany
Eindrücke vom ersten und zweiten Aufbautag der Ausstellungsarchitektur (responsive design studio / STUDYO ARCHITECTS) zur Ausstellung "Architekturteilchen - Modulares Bauen im digitalen Zeitalter" (Kuratorium: Aysin Ipekci ). Die Ausstellung startet am Freitag, den 11. Mai um 19:00 Uhr im MAKK, Köln