Von schwimmenden Blumen und drehenden Pyramiden

Saturday, October 15 at 7:00pm - November 10 at 10:00pm
recent works of responsive design studio at "R. - Raum für drastische Maßnahmen" Berlin, Oderstr. 34


SleepBox represents a contemporary furniture, designed for the demands of an increasingly urbanised environment. A human-scale object, which creates a space of comfort and relaxation within airports, offices or other semi public areas. The hard and uniform shell excludes the exterior and at the same time creates a soft and smooth interior. The project was designed by Caspar Lohner and supervised by Manuel Kretzer and Mathias Bernhard at the Chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design, ETH Zürich and realized in collaboration with Kläusler Acrylstein AG.

Zufall und Strategie im Design

Manuel speaks at Inkjet Seminar, Winterthur on Friday, 14.10.11.